
It looks like a plan to eliminate or reduce the sales tax on groceries purchased in Kansas may have a good shot at getting approved by the Kansas State Legislature during the 2022 Session. Gov. Laura Kelly, a Democrat, announced Monday, Nov. 8, that she favored the idea. And Derek Schmidt, a...
President Joe Biden on Oct. 8 issued the first-ever presidential proclamation of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The day was observed Oct. 11, along with Columbus Day, which is a national holiday. Native Americans reportedly have campaigned for years for local and national days in recognition of the...
Directing Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) agents across the country to monitor local school board meetings sends a threatening message from the federal government and has a chilling effect on free speech rights that must not be continued, Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt said recently....
Americans have read numerous news stories over the past 60 years about the need for the U.S. Congress to raise the nation’s maximum debt limit. In fact, since 1960, Congress has raised the nation’s maximum debt limit a whopping 80 times. Our nation’s debt is currently estimated at $28.4 trillion...
Three Kansas senators and two congressmen spoke to more than 100 Kansas agricultural leaders from all corners of the state recently at the state fair in Hutchinson. The message was the same from all of them - the ruling Democrat party and all of the radical environmentalists are coming after the...
It should not take a national tragedy like 9/11 to pull all American citizens back together for a common purpose. Yet, most of the time, these days, we allow national TV pundits - who clearly have their own agendas - to divide us. It is not good for our society, nor is it good for our country’s...
The world is watching and listening day after day now as the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan is being ended, after more than 20 years there. After the U.S. military’s imminent withdrawal was announced less than a week ago, the opposing Taliban terrorist forces in the country have been rapidly...
Some owners of historic hotels in Kansas are working together to establish an historic hotel road trip guide and Sara Fox, owner of Holton’s Hotel Josephine, reportedly is one of those involved in the project. It’s a good idea and we wish the historic hotel owners good luck on the endeavor. The...
It is impossible for U.S. citizens to take seriously the government’s continued warnings about COVID-19 day after day after day when the government expresses no such warnings about what’s happening at our southern border with Mexico. The number of undocumented migrants reaching the U.S.-Mexico...


The Holton Recorder

109 W. Fourth St.
Holton, KS 66436
Phone: 785-364-3141



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