
Wildcat pitcher Derek Haverkamp (shown above, left) warms up in front of coach Joe Purcell (far right) and the rest of the Holton infield in game action earlier this season. Haverkamp had a big weekend for HHS, tallying six hits and four RBI in tournament play and pitching a complete game in one outing to help Holton go 2-1 and finish as runner-up in the Butch Foster Memorial Classic.
  It may not have ended the way the Wildcats wanted, but even a loss in the championship game couldn’t take away the great deal of success the team had in the Butch Foster Memorial Classic baseball tournament in Kansas City over the weekend. Even in the final game, Holton was cruising along against...
While Jackson County area football fans may not have heard too many locally familiar names during the broadcast of the NFL draft over the weekend, one area player nonetheless earned the chance to continue his career at the professional level. Holton alum Forrestal Hickman was contacted by the...
Wildcat golfer Kaden Brandt (shown above) sinks a long putt from the fringe during tournament action in Seneca.
  For notable signs of just how different this Holton golf team is from years past, one need not look further than Thursday’s performance at the Nemaha Valley Invitational. Something happened that has only happened rarely in the past several seasons, as the Wildcats left a tournament without a team...
Panther Sarah Beam (shown above, batting) turns on a pitch and sends it for a ride in the second game of a doubleheader with Hiawatha, helping RV pick up a 15-0 run-rule victory over the Red Hawks and its 12th win in a row.
  Looking at the product on the softball field last Thursday night, the mismatch between the Royal Valley and Hiawatha teams was clear. The Panthers were playing the role of Steve Austin, the titular “Six Million Dollar Man”, and were simply better, stronger and faster than the Red Hawks in a pair...
  Hard work pays off and the Jackson Heights track athletes are starting to see the fruits of their labor, which was quite evident from the results at the track meet in Silver Lake on Tuesday night. In a split meet with both varsity and junior varsity divisions, all the Cobras held their own, but...
Holton's Mackenzie Moore (shown above) tracks a ball down and holds on for a catch to record an out early in Monday's doubleheader against Perry-Lecompton
  Maybe it got into a pattern after being forced into the underdog role more often than not over the past weekend, but the Holton softball team found itself having to rally on its home field quite a bit against Perry-Lecompton on Monday night. The Wildcats dug themselves into some holes in the...
Panther Caitlin Burns (shown above) puts a ball in play in the second game of a doubleheader in Holton on Monday, sparking a big inning for her team. Royal Valley had a lot of those on Monday in a pair of victories, 16-4 and 10-1, over Holton to move to 11-1 on the season.
  If Monday’s doubleheader between the Holton and Royal Valley softball teams was a little bit anticlimactic, it may have had a little bit to do with timing. With the Wildcats playing just their fourth series of the season in only their second week of competition, you could say the Panthers had a...
Holton's Aaron Bain (shown above, at left) sees the ball down in the outfield before taking off to score while Royal Valley's Noah Hart (right) waits for the relay throw. The teams split the series on Monday, with the Wildcats picking up an 11-2 victory in game one and the Panthers closing out the doubleheader with a 7-1 victory.
  All signs pointed to Monday’s doubleheader between the Holton and Royal Valley baseball teams being a pretty evenly matched affair. Both the Wildcats and Panthers sported similar records heading into the match-up with each team having its hits and misses so far this year. Monday’s games were a...
Cobras Logan Wells (shown above, middle) and Kyler Vance (far right) bound over the hurdles in the middle of the 110m race at Tuesday's meet in Holton. Both earned key points that helped the JH boys finish runner-up as a team at the meet.
  So far this track season, the weather has been pretty agreeable on meet days and the Jackson Heights athletes have been taking advantage of that. Tuesday in Holton was another example of that. “Overall, I thought we competed pretty well Tueday,” JH coach Lyle Alley said. “We just had several...
Royal Valley's Lucas Broxterman (shown above) soars through the air during an attempt in the finals of the boys long jump at the team's home meet on Tuesday. Broxterman and some other young athletes have come to the forefront to help the RVHS track team get off to a strong start this spring.
  Maybe there’s something in the water around Hoyt, because for a team that RV track coach Denise Visocsky said might struggle to compete at a high level (compared to past results) this season, the Panthers have been right in the thick of things in their first two meets. Coming off a pair of runner...


The Holton Recorder

109 W. Fourth St.
Holton, KS 66436
Phone: 785-364-3141


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