KSHSAA On Fall Sports 2020
The Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) has announced the following special recommendations regarding football, volleyball and cross country for this fall, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Football expands the sideline from the 10-yard line to the 10-yard line.
• Maintains social distancing guidelines.
• Players and coaches have their own beverage container or use disposable cups.
• Keep non-essential personnel off the sidelines and practice fields throughout a contest and practice.
• Use staggering locker room guidelines to minimize the number of athletes entering, dressing and leaving at one time.
• Face coverings for chain gang, coaches, players on sidelines, etc.
• Jamborees are discouraged but if there is one, KSHSAA will permit up to four teams.
Volleyball officials should arrive in officiating attire since no locker room will be provided.
• Separate bathroom for officials.
• Electronic whistles are allowed, but not required.
• Officials are to wear a mask between matches.
• Scorer’s table personnel should be three to six feet apart and wear masks.
• Players should wash and clean uniforms and equipment after every workout and competition.
• Players provide their own water bottle and towel clearly marked with their name.
• Officials stand should be cleaned after each match along with all equipment.
• Schools provide their own volleyballs for warm-up and clean game balls should be rotated into the match at the end of each game or set.
• Teams will switch sides to play, but not change the sidelines.
• Practice in pods with the same students using the same balls.
• Only athletes touch the balls.
• Schools should reduce contests to quads or smaller.
Cross country restrictions include having one individual in a seat on a bus.
• Consider only allowing a certain number of spectators from each school or eliminate spectators.
• Consider smaller meets instead of larger meets.
• Run varsity on one day and JV and middle school on another day.
• Reduce travel to meets and number of competitions.
• Each student has their own water bottle.
• Do not share clothing or shoes.
• Consider using an electronic whistle to start and use a megaphone or loudspeaker for commands.
• Consider staggered start times to eliminate congested starts and finishes.
• Consider working out in pods.
• Consider temperature checks before practice.
• Limit the number of students at practice.
• Limit the number of spectators per student.
• Spectators and coaches should wear masks.
• Consider no awards ceremony but provide awards to the coach to distribute.
Information about winter and spring seasons will not be released by KSHSAA until officials learn from the “member schools how to best implement the proposed considerations,” KSHSAA Executive Director Bill Faflick said.
Note: Restrictions and considerations are not listed in full. See KSHSAA’s website for complete details.