Jackson Heights High School 2024 Football Team
Wed, 09/25/2024 - 13:36

The Jackson Heights High School 2024 football team is shown here.
Front row, from left: J.R. Schultz, Rylan Rodvelt, Jaden Woltje, Aiden Schumaker and Luke Schierling.
Second row, from left: Titan Eisenbarth, Gage Holliday, Dillon Childs, Titus Eisenbarth, Cooper Hewitt, Daniel Hunt and Brody Browning.
Third row, from left: Brayden Innes, Acheron Mauldin, Byron Meggison, Kolby Bowhay, Ian Allen and Drake Mellies.
Fourth row, from left: J.W. Moore, Teagan Bowhay, Gage Edwards, Blaine Burdiek, Kade Holliday, Jace Doyle and Sawyer Shupe.
Back row, from left: Sir Peek, Jan Ludvik, Eli Wisdom, Austin Zeller, Michael Robertson, Anthony Gulotta, Max Watkins and Cash Robinson.
(Photo by Brian Sanders)