
The term "global economy'' appears to be taking on an extended definition in recent days, in my opinion, as Sony Pictures Entertainment announced it would not be releasing its latest comedy movie called "The Interview.'' The new movie reportedly portrayed the graphic assassination of North Korean...
Calling all local relatives of Clark Griswold: You are invited to participate in the Christmas Parade of Lights in Holton on Nov. 28! The annual Christmas Parade in Holton is set for 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 28, the day after Thanksgiving. Line-up for the parade will start at 5 p.m. along New York...
It's the day after the general election and aren't you glad it's over? At our home, we had so many political robo-calls on our land line answering machine that the answering machine was maxed out. I will save the argument for adding politicians and their cohorts to the National No-Call List for...
Gov. Sam Brownback of Kansas says he has come to regret characterizing his policy agenda as a “real live experiment” that would test the efficacy of deep tax cuts to spur jobs and economic growth. In fact, Brownback’s choice of words was apt. Few if any governors have undertaken such an extreme...
Dear editor, As election time nears, it appears there are two main issues emerging in the governor’s race, the Kansas economy and the funding of schools. It is very difficult to explain these complex issues either in a 30-second ad or in a short letter such as this. I have served as the Chairman of...
   Kansas will have a new state representative for the 61st District, which includes most of Jackson County and Pottawatomie County, since incumbent state rep Richard Carlson is not seeking re-election after 10 years of service.    Voters in the 61st District have the opportunity to send an...


The Holton Recorder

109 W. Fourth St.
Holton, KS 66436
Phone: 785-364-3141



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