A Salute to John Rundle
When the Royal Valley school board started considering what they wanted in the next school superintendent for the district recently, it was determined immediately that they wanted another one just like John Rundle.
Wow. A higher compliment in the K-12 public education field does not exist.
Over his 40-year career with Royal Valley, the last 15 as school superintendent, John Rundle has earned the respect and admiration of his school boards, his teachers, his support staff members, his patrons, his community members and his students.
In his long tenure, Mr. Rundle could always be counted on for his steady, straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to any problem or issue involving his school district. In a nutshell, he did school things right.
And his knowledge and experience with school finance certainly also served the Royal Valley district well over the years. It was no coincidence that many school improvements were made at Royal Valley during his tenure.
Here at The Recorder, we also appreciated Mr. Rundle’s professionalism. If there were a Hall of Fame for local schools, he’d belong in it.