HCH expansion project plans growth for the future

While community hospitals in nearby Horton and Hiawatha are struggling financially, it is reported, our own Holton Community Hospital has recently announced progressive plans, and has secured low-interest financing from USDA Rural Development, for a $14.6 million hospital expansion project.

A total of $1 million must be raised for the project through donations in addition to the USDA loan, says Carrie Saia, CEO at the hospital. “So the money raised through donations, up to $1 million, will go toward payment of the loan,’’ Saia said.

HCH hopes to let bids for the expansion project in late spring and break ground for the project sometime over the summer, it has been reported.

Community hospitals are very important to the populations that they serve. You don’t fully understand the importance of your community hospital until you or your loved ones need the services it provides.

Those people who have lived in communities without their own community hospital also know what it’s like when you need the services of a hospital and the nearest one is at least 25 miles or more away.

To keep our community hospital going and thriving, everyone must support it when possible.

The Farmers State Bank recently announced the donation of $100,000 to the hospital expansion project to be made over a five-year period. 

Hopefully, the FSB donation will signal many more like it to come!

In upcoming community meetings that are planned, the need to expand HCH will be further explained and the fund-raising will get into full swing.

About 20 years ago, this community stepped up with the necessary donations when it was determined that a new hospital facility was needed to replace the old one. It’s time to repeat that level of commitment and support!

The Holton Recorder

109 W. Fourth St.
Holton, KS 66436
Phone: 785-364-3141



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