Letters to Santa Claus from area children are now being accepted for publication in The Holton Recorder. The letters will be printed in our special Christmas greetings section that will be published prior to Christmas.

Santa letters now being accepted

Letters to Santa Claus from area children are now being accepted for publication in The Holton Recorder. 

The letters will be printed in our special Christmas greetings section that will be published prior to Christmas.

The letters are due at The Holton Recorder office by 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 6. Due to the large amount of letters we receive each year, please limit the letters to no more than 150 words. 

Please make sure the letters include the child’s name (written legibly), age and hometown. 

Letters may be mailed to The Holton Recorder, P.O. Box 311, Holton, KS, 66436; brought to the office at 109 W. Fourth St. between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; or e-mailed to holtonrecordernews@gmail.com.

Letters can also be dropped off in the mail slot by The Recorder’s front door after business hours. 

For more information about the letters or to place a Christmas greeting in that special section, please call The Recorder office at 785-364-3141.

The Holton Recorder

109 W. Fourth St.
Holton, KS 66436
Phone: 785-364-3141



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