Sales tax for HCH moving forward

A special retailers’ sales tax to solely benefit Holton Community Hospital operations is moving forward after talks between HCH administrators and the Jackson County Commissioners. 

During a recent commission meeting, the commissioners agreed to formally ask Kansas House of Representative Francis Awerkamp of St. Marys to introduce a county-wide quarter percent sales tax during the current legislative session on behalf of the hospital.

If passed during the legislative session, the quarter percent retailers’ sales tax would be placed on a ballot during the November general election for county voters to approve or reject. 

A majority vote would be required to pass the new sales tax. The length of the proposed new sales tax has not been determined. 

It is estimated that a quarter percent sales tax would generate about $380,000 to 400,000 a year for the hospital, according to the Jackson County Clerk’s Office. 

Last fall, Carrie Lutz, HCH CEO, told county and city commissioners that the hospital has lost revenues and reimbursements at the federal level. 

HCH is also only one of five hospitals in the state that does not receive any public funding and is not part of a health care system.

Also during the Dec. 9 meeting, the commissioners approved three rate increases for Banner Creek Reservoir for 2025. 

Kurt Zibell, Banner Creek Reservoir director, presented the new rates, which include $45 for an annual vehicle pass (a $10 increase from $35), $10 for an additional vehicle sticker (a $5 increase from $5) and $5 for a day use entry fee (a $2 increase from $3).

Zibell said that the new rates are in lieu of increasing rates for camping. He also reported that expenses have been increasing and these rates have not been changed in more than 10 years.

For more on this and other stories, please log in to your account and select “Jan. 15, 2025” under “E-Editions.”

The Holton Recorder

109 W. Fourth St.
Holton, KS 66436
Phone: 785-364-3141


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