County commission seeking federal grant for roads
The Jackson County Commissioners are seeking a $25 million federal grant to improve road surfaces in the county, it was reported.
During a recent commission meeting, Brett Waggoner of Governmental Assistance Services of Lawrence discussed the Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program.
The commissioners are interested in securing federal or state funds to overlay several chip-and-seal roads with something more permanent like asphalt.
Waggoner said that the commission’s road improvement goal “aligns well” with the federal rural surface program.
The goal of the program is to support projects that improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas to increase connectivity, improve the safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight and generate regional economic growth and improve quality of life.
Ninety percent of the projects that are awarded rural surface funds each receive $25 million or more, according to information provided by Waggoner.
The program does require a 20 percent minimum cost-share from the county, but Waggoner said there are state funds available from the Build Kansas Fund to cover those matching dollars.
“There’s really no match for the county,” Waggoner said.
He said that cities and counties are encouraged to apply to the Build Kansas Fund before submitting a federal grant application.
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